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  1. #726
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Amherst, Mass.
    Quote Originally Posted by Brownski View Post
    For the record, I trust the red chair at least as much as chair 4 at Greek. I have faith they’ll get it all worked out.[...]
    We still called the triple / Chair V the "new chair" for about three decades before we finally realized that by then it was ... old.
    (And my brother might still have a wooden T that snapped off the old t-bar when he got on it once -- lifties let him keep it as a reward of sorts.)
    Mo' skimo here: NE Rando Race Series

  2. #727
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Peruvian View Post
    So when you hire a roofer and later have a leak, it’s you that fucked up? Even when the code enforcement officer inspects the roof?
    A more apt comparison would be would I throw a fire hose at said roof after I discovered the leak? Do I need to ask you who would be at fault then?
    Live Free or Die

  3. #728
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan S. View Post
    We still called the triple / Chair V the "new chair" for about three decades before we finally realized that by then it was ... old.
    (And my brother might still have a wooden T that snapped off the old t-bar when he got on it once -- lifties let him keep it as a reward of sorts.)
    that's awesome. I have a hard time going by the bottom t bar barn without taking a picture. Its cool that the bull wheel is still in there

  4. #729
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Bottleman View Post

    Clear, concise tips from our resident ECRC expert.
    Grimmace called. He wants his pants back.

  5. #730
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Inside the Circle
    For the record: the surging was intermittent and the state inspector who was onsite and observed it gave them a nod to operate it. An electrical engineer also told them that it was an anomaly and should not repeat itself. On the haul rope. It was ordered at the end of last season. It didn't arrive until November. On the quad. The original engineer that designed the installation fucked it up. For those that don't know, this is the old Snow Bowl chair from Stratton. That chair starts out on a moderate pitch and then goes to flat. Magic doesn't have similar topography so they were trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. The management realized that last year when the cable wouldn't stay on the sheaves. It took more than a day to find a new engineer to develop a solution. That solution involved completely re-manufacturing the sheave assemblies on 3 towers. One of them is done. The other 2 assemblies are "in shipping" whatever that means. On the uphill policy. There's only 1 trail down right now. I have personally observed a group of numbnuts skinning up 4-abreast despite the current moratorium on uphill.
    It's fucking ridiculous but we are our own worst enemies here.
    For Dexter, moratorium means a temporary halt.

  6. #731
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Thanks MNIAW. That’s brutal. Now that you mention it, I remember that Stratton lift from my one max pass season. Hopefully it’s reliable once they get the engineering right.

  7. #732
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsAugustWest View Post
    For the record: the surging was intermittent and the state inspector who was onsite and observed it gave them a nod to operate it. An electrical engineer also told them that it was an anomaly and should not repeat itself. On the haul rope. It was ordered at the end of last season. It didn't arrive until November. On the quad. The original engineer that designed the installation fucked it up. For those that don't know, this is the old Snow Bowl chair from Stratton. That chair starts out on a moderate pitch and then goes to flat. Magic doesn't have similar topography so they were trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. The management realized that last year when the cable wouldn't stay on the sheaves. It took more than a day to find a new engineer to develop a solution. That solution involved completely re-manufacturing the sheave assemblies on 3 towers. One of them is done. The other 2 assemblies are "in shipping" whatever that means. On the uphill policy. There's only 1 trail down right now. I have personally observed a group of numbnuts skinning up 4-abreast despite the current moratorium on uphill.
    It's fucking ridiculous but we are our own worst enemies here.
    For Dexter, moratorium means a temporary halt.
    Thanks for the update MNIAW.

    You would have to be a completely oblivious jongshow to think that this group isn't doing a kickass job or to begin to compare them to the team that drove them into bankruptcy.
    j'ai des grands instants de lucididididididididi

  8. #733
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Banana Belt, VT
    Quote Originally Posted by ml242 View Post
    Thanks for the update MNIAW.

    You would have to be a completely oblivious jongshow to think that this group isn't doing a kickass job or to begin to compare them to the team that drove them into bankruptcy.
    Bingo, bango, bongo. And MNIAW thanks for your thoughtful, reasonable contributions. I have no stake in Magic but FFS it’s one of the last great places to ski in New England and there’s no reason to spread shit if you don’t know the whole story or back story.

    Now can we get back to discussing edge bevel and that weird stem Christie initiation bit that apparently plagues my every turn????

    Sent from my iPhone using TGR Forums

  9. #734
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    on the banks of Fish Creek
    The fundamental problem facing most modern skiers today is the lack of knowledge on the basics of how to execute a proper Stem Christie turn.


  10. #735
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Banana Belt, VT
    Quote Originally Posted by m2711c View Post
    The fundamental problem facing most modern skiers today is the lack of knowledge on the basics of how to execute a proper Stem Christie turn.

    That dude's outfit is TIGHT. No bisque, there!!!!

  11. #736
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    base of the Bush
    This just in; Alpine Update

    We will plan to re-open the ski area with Green Lift and beginner Sunkids conveyor lift this Friday January 7th--and, possibly Red Lift to summit as well on Friday depending on the lift passing its state inspection and load test tomorrow January 6th. Thursday we will be closed for the load test and as we adjust staffing
    , especially in food & beverage, due to COVID health protocols. Hopefully by next week we can return to our normal Thursday-Sunday plus holidays schedule as we get more staff returning by the MLK holiday weekend.

    In terms of Red Chair, Pfister Mountain Services reviewed all lift mechanical--from the new shaft and couplings, the planetary, and bullwheel bearings--and all checked out perfectly. For the drive, a tachometer was added and the "regen" drive settings have gone through adjustments made per All Ski Lifts' Larry Wollum in consultation with the drive manufacturer and Stevens Engineering. The state lift inspector has been involved throughout this process. Today's Red Lift operating inspection was successful pending the final load test scheduled for tomorrow. If all goes well then the Red Chair will be set for service to the summit on Friday and into the weekend.

    For Friday and the weekend, there will be no food available from the kitchen so we will simply be grilling on the deck due to staff shortages in the kitchen with Covid-19 protocols in place. Therefore, the Tavern will not be open for dinner until next week. The Tavern will be open on the deck and indoors for beverages, and our mask requirement policy remains in effect there.

    "If the road You followed brought you to this,of what use was the road"?

    "I have no idea what I am talking about but would be happy to share my biased opinions as fact on the matter. "

  12. #737
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    between campus and church
    Clearly all marketing bullshit, eh, Adironrider?

  13. #738
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Inside the Circle
    As long as all the nay-sayers don't show up on the next powder day, all will be right with the world.

    But you know they will.

    It's true, I love skiing at Magic but let's cut the bullshit. I'm neither blind nor drinking the kool-aid. The peanut gallery armchair quarterbacks that have never worked in the ski industry (I'm talking managing, not bumping chairs or parking cars in the lot) need to shut the fuck up. I spent the better part of 2 hours over beers with Jeff with a G last Friday trying to talk him off the ledge. He explained everything that happened and how it all fell apart. They were not negligent in any has been explained ad nauseum, they had engineers and the state lift inspector involved in every step of this clusterfuck. Everybody that had no stake in opening that lift said it was good to go. What would you have done (assuming no benefit of 20/20 hindsight)? If you say anything other than you would have given the thumbs up, you're a fucking liar (mostly to yourselves).

    And JS, the reason Magic doesn't want you and your clown show back is because the last 2 times you left your fucking route flags all over the mountain. You came in, fucked up our mountain and walked away.

    Fuck, we need some snow.

  14. #739
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    base of the Bush
    All I wanted as a Pepsi

    "If the road You followed brought you to this,of what use was the road"?

    "I have no idea what I am talking about but would be happy to share my biased opinions as fact on the matter. "

  15. #740
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    on the rivah, VT
    ahh, classic shitfuck conditions turns this thread into a shitfuck

    go ski, i hear it's fun
    go Go GO!

    23-24: 75. 22-23: 56. 21-22: ?. 20-21: 10+?. 19-20: 79. 18-19: 86! 17-18: 80. 16-17: 56. 15-16: 40. 14-15: 33. 13-14: 56ish. 12-13: 51. 11-12: 65. 10-11: 69. 09-10: 65.

  16. #741
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Inside the Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by akokskis View Post
    ahh, classic shitfuck conditions turns this thread into a shitfuck

    go ski, i hear it's fun
    Really? How many days you got in this year? Today was 27 for me. None of them good but still having fun every day.

  17. #742
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Walpole NH

    East Coast Roll Call 21-22 We have a hot date with Skadi, Pictures at 11

    Pfister Mountain Services, say what? That’s a thing?
    crab in my shoe mouth

  18. #743
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Impossible to knowl--I use an iPhone
    Quote Originally Posted by MMP View Post
    jesus you're dumb.

    "ambiguous language so as to conceal the truth or avoid committing oneself."
    Did your homework but still having trouble with the concept, I guess. Will have to explain to you at some point how one can both hope for a favorable result yet also acknowledge reality. That's not equivocating, and I think you could have figured that out on your own...

    Look, I get that I've violated rules one and two of Magic Fight Club, but the reflexive defensiveness and apologies for what goes on over there are absurd. And you can't write this off to armchair qb'ing from jongs who know nothing about the ski industry--I've had far too many conversations with people who know and ski and Magic and also work in the industry (including someone who has literally run ski areas--successfully, for the record) about this topic (most recently a conversation immediately after Magic managed to dump a chair from the line during operation). What everyone is 'imagining' about the failure to run this place effectively is in fact reality. And had there been a catastrophic lift failure at a place like Bromley, or Plattekill, or whatever, there wouldn't have been the silence about the topic that can't be discussed, particularly not if it followed years of similar problems (every. single. year.). In the past those who have pointed these things out have been shouted down by the true believers, but that doesn't change what's lead to all of this.

    Clearly I see things differently than those who want to explain/justify every problem that the mountain has, but IMO the people who are doing that aren't looking at this in anything close to an objective way (again, were any other place to be run similarly the problems would be discussed at length and without the knee jerk apologias).

    And I'll repeat (even at the risk of continuing to confuse MMP) that I hope things work out, but for yet another year I'm not at all reassured by what I see happening (I know critical posts are never well received here, but in all honesty I've put things very mildly and have almost always refrained from posting about the numerous Magicment shortcomings). (For MNIAW, a shortcoming is something that results in things like having no snowmaking on half of the mountain, or trying to implement critical lift maintenance in December, or buying a used lift without any plan on how to install it--yes, I'm sure Jeff with a G has an explanation for all of it.)

  19. #744
    Join Date
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    Impossible to knowl--I use an iPhone
    Quote Originally Posted by buttahflake View Post
    Pfister Mountain Services, say what? That’s a thing?
    They're either the solution, or the cause of all the problems (it's not the fault of management--it's never that). Have to stay tuned, for some reason.

  20. #745
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Amherst, Mass.
    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsAugustWest View Post
    [...]And JS, the reason Magic doesn't want you and your clown show back is because the last 2 times you left your fucking route flags all over the mountain. You came in, fucked up our mountain and walked away.[...]
    WRONG: In the entire history of the race, since the 2008-09 season, that happened exactly once, and only once, after the January 6, 2018 race, during the polar vortex, when a Magic employee told me that he would remove the remaining course markings the following day. The only complaint about any remaining course markings was from someone on a TGR forum thread, NOT from Magic -- had Magic ever informed me about any remaining course markings, then I would have driven up the following day and removed them. Everything was removed immediately after each race on January 5, 2019 and December 14 & 15, 2019.

    Given that this guy is making up totally wrong excuses for Magic on this issue, let your imagine run wild on what else he's making up on issues that matter far more.

    Side Note: Please explain what you mean by "clown show" besides some course markings still on the hill after the January 6, 2018 race? And please explain how some lingering surveyor tape and/or mountaineering-style wands f'ed up the mtn? And please explain how if this was such a bad situation, why nobody at Magic ever contacted me about this? (Even setting aside how they somehow need my special expertise at something that is about an hour-long task.)

    P.S. If you're just joking, then okay, I fell for it, ya got me!
    Mo' skimo here: NE Rando Race Series

  21. #746
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Impossible to knowl--I use an iPhone
    It did occur to me that MNIAW is willing to explain away all this other shit but wants to crucify JS for the time his race left some flags on Red Line (oh noozzz!!!). Really kind of ironic that he'll accept any and all explanations for year after year of management failures but wants to hold JS to account for that incident.

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsAugustWest View Post
    And JS, the reason Magic doesn't want you and your clown show back is because the last 2 times you left your fucking route flags all over the mountain. You came in, fucked up our mountain and walked away.
    I mean, there's a clown show fucking things up, but that year with the rando race isn't what immediately comes to mind in that context.

  22. #747
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Maine Coast
    Man now they have food service reduction due to Covid. I know a little about mountain management and food is one of the positive cash flows that keeps the lights on. Thanks mniaw for the update. Magic mountain does things right. I definitely wish them the very best.

    I don’t remember any of us talking about squaw when the chairs slid on the rope last year.

    Not much talk about the poor snow maker on the snowmobile who collided with the groomer and died the other day.

    We do need snow badly. 27 days so far. Way to go mniaw. Not easy with these conditions, but I bet your turn is sweet now

  23. #748
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    base of the Bush
    24º bob with a bit of light snow falling on the grass in my yard, about the same as a cheap ass snow globe with only a half teaspoon of "snowflakes" added to the water.
    Wind ramping up to add to the experience as well.

    Spent last weekend in Woodstock to ring in the new year but not before searching out the last scraps of snow.

    Seeing this on Thursday bothered me

    Click image for larger version. 

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    Rallied with a Jedi friend to fix it, some daylight at the summit was nice

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    It was interestingly fun

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    And pretty

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    Mission accomplished

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    Caught a head cold, probably not 19 but not bothering with a test, just hanging solo at my condo reno and masking up if I go anywhere. Only rocking 14 days so far, I think, but kept busy working and can work all winter if I like. 10 day fo'cast reveals an extended period of bickering on tap. Good luck with that.

    MNIAW asked me to say that he is skiing

    Click image for larger version. 

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    "If the road You followed brought you to this,of what use was the road"?

    "I have no idea what I am talking about but would be happy to share my biased opinions as fact on the matter. "

  24. #749
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Banana Belt, VT
    Quote Originally Posted by buttahflake View Post
    Pfister Mountain Services, say what? That’s a thing?
    It's actually Fetzer Mountain Services. That just might be the issue.

  25. #750
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Jesus. Everyone needs a face shot. Interpret that as appropriate.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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